A selected list of publications:
Mirjam Schenk, Stephan R Krutzik, Peter A Sieling, Delphine J Lee, Rosane M B Teles, Maria Teresa Ochoa, Evangelia Komisopoulou, Euzenir N Sarno, Thomas H Rea, Thomas G Graeber, Soohyun Kim, Genhong Cheng & Robert L Modlin
NOD2 triggers an interleukin-32dependent human dendritic cell program in leprosy Nature Medicine, 2012; 18(4): 555-563.
Cho JS, Pietras EM, Garcia NC, Ramos RI, Farzam DM, Monroe HR, Magorien JE, Blauvelt A, Kolls JK, Cheung AL, Cheng G, Modlin RL, Miller LS
IL-17 is essential for host defense against cutaneous Staphylococcus aureus infection in mice J Clin Invest, 2010; 120(5): 1762-3.
Liu PT, Schenk M, Walker VP, Dempsey PW, Kanchanapoomi M, Wheelwright M, Vazirnia A, Zhang X, Steinmeyer A, Zügel U, Hollis BW, Cheng G, Modlin RL.
Convergence of IL-1beta and VDR activation pathways in human TLR2/1-induced antimicrobial responses PLoS One, 2009; 4(6): e5810.
Montoya D, Cruz D, Teles RM, Lee DJ, Ochoa MT, Krutzik SR, Chun R, Schenk M, Zhang X, Ferguson BG, Burdick AE, Sarno EN, Rea TH, Hewison M, Adams JS, Cheng G, Modlin RL.
Divergence of macrophage phagocytic and antimicrobial programs in leprosy Cell Host Microbe, 2009; 6(4): 343-53.
Hwang S, Kim KS, Flano E, Wu TT, Tong LM, Park AN, Song MJ, Sanchez DJ, O’Connell RM, Cheng G, Sun R
Conserved herpesviral kinase promotes viral persistence by inhibiting the IRF-3-mediated type I interferon response Cell Host Microbe, 2009; 5(2): 166-78.
Zarnegar BJ, Wang Y.,, Mahoney DJ, Dempsey PD, Cheung HH, He J, Shiba T, Yang X., Yeh WC, Mak TW, Korneluk RG, and Cheng G
Noncanonical NF-κB Activation Requires the Coordinated Assembly of the cIAP1/2-NIK Regulatory Complex by TRAF2 and TRAF3 Nature Immunology, 2008; 9(12): 1371-8.
Wong PK., Yu, F., Shahangian, A., Cheng, G., Sun, R., and Ho, CM
Closed-loop Control of Cellular Functions By using a Stochastic Search Algorithm PNAS, 2008; 105: 5105-5110.
Miller, L. S. Pietras, E. M. Garcia, N. Cheung, A. L. Blauvelt, A. Cheng, G. Modlin, R. L. IL-1R activation is required for IL-17-dependent neutrophil recruitment against Staphylococcus aureus skin infections, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2008; 128: S190-S190.
Velázquez, P, Wei, B, McPherso,n M, Mendoza, LM, Nguyen, SL, Turovskaya, O, Kronenberg, M, Huang, TT, Schrage, M, Lobato, LN, Fujiwara, D, Brewer, S, Arditi, M, Cheng, G, Sartor, RB, Newberry, RD, Braun, J.
Villous B cells of the small intestine are specialized for invariant NK T cell dependence J Immunol, 2008; 180(7): 4629-38.
Sanchez DJ, Miranda D Jr, Arumugaswami V, Hwang S, Singer AE, Senaati A, Shahangian A, Song MJ, Sun R, Cheng G.
A Repetitive Region of Gamma-herpesvirus Genomic DNA Is a Ligand for Induction of Type I Interferon J Virol, 2007; 82(5): 2208-17.
Kayagaki, N., Phung, Q., Chan, S., Chaudhari R, Quan, C., O’Rourke, KM., Eby, M., Pietras, E, Cheng, G., Bazan, JF., Zhang, Z., Arnott, D., Dixit, VM..
DUBA: A Deubiquitinase That Regulates Type I Interferon Production Science, 2007; 318(5856): 1628-32.
Miller, LS., Pietras, EM., Uricchio, LH., Hirano, K.,Rao, S., Lin, H., O’Connell, RM., Iwakura,, Y., Ambrose L. Cheung, AL., Cheng G., Modlin, RL
Inflammasome-mediated production of IL-1β is required for neutrophil recruitment against Staphylococcus aureus in vivo J. Immunol, 2007; 179(10): 6933-42.
Chow, EKH., Chu, B., Cheng G., Tai, YC., Pierstorff, P., and Ho., D
Copolymer-mediated Fabrication of Versatile Electro-Active and Inflammation Attenuating Substrates for Biological Interrogation NANO: Brief Reports and Reviews, 2007; 2(6): 351-359.
Miller, L. S. Pietras, E. M. Uricchio, L. O’Connell, R. M. Hirano, K. A. Rao, S. Cheung, A. L. Cheng, G. Modlin, R. L. IL-1 beta and the inflammasome but not IL-1 alpha mediate IL-1R-dependent neutrophil recruitment against Staphylococcus aureus skin infection, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2007; 127: S130-S130.
Lee DJ, Sieling PA, Ochoa MT, Krutzik SR, Guo B, Hernandez M, Rea TH, Cheng G, Colonna M, Modlin RL.
LILRA2 Activation Inhibits Dendritic Cell Differentiation and Antigen Presentation to T Cells J Immunol, 2007; 179(12): 8128-36.
Oganesyan, G., Saha, SK, Guo, B., He, J., Shahangian, A., Zarnegar B., Perry, AK., Cheng, G.
Critical role of TRAF3 in the Toll-like receptor-dependent and independent antiviral response. Nature, 2006; 439: 208-211.
Miller, LS., O’Connell, RM., Gutierrez, MA., Pietras, EM., Shahangian, A., Gross, CE., Thirumala, A., Cheung, AL., Cheng , G., Modlin, RL.
MyD88 mediates neutrophil recruitment initiated by IL-1R but not TLR2 activation in immunity against Staphylococcus aureus Immunity, 2006; 24: 79-91.
Saha, SK., Pietras, EM., He, JQ., Kang, JR., Liu, SY., Oganesyan, G., Shahangian, A., Zarnegar, B., Shiba TL., and Cheng, G.
Regulation of antiviral responses by a direct and specific interaction between TRAF3 and Cardif. EMBO J. , 2006; 25: 3257-3263.
He, JQ., Zarnegar, B., Yamazaki, S., Oganesyan, G., Saha, SK., Doyle, S., Dempsey, P., and Cheng, G.
Rescue of TRAF3 null mice by p100 NF-kB deficiency. J Exp Med, 2006; 203: 2413-2418.
Deng, JC., Cheng, G. Newstead, MW., Zeng, X., Kobayashi, K., Flavell, R., Standiford, TJ.
Sepsis-Induced Suppression of Lung Innate Immunity is mediated by IRAK-M. Journal of clinical investigation (JCI), 2006; 116: 2532-2542.
Renn, CN, Sanchez, DJ, Ochoa, MT, Legaspi, AJ, Oh, CK, Liu, PT, Krutzik, SR, Sieling, PA, Cheng, G, Modlin, RL.
TLR activation of Langerhans cell-like dendritic cells triggers an antiviral immune response J Immunol, 2006; 177: 298-305.
Miller, L. S. O’Connell, R. M. Gutierrez, M. A. Kim, J. Thirumala, A. Cheung, A. L. Cheng, G. Modlin, R. L. Critical role of lL-1R in controlling Staphylococcus aureus skin infections: comparison to TNF-alpha RI, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2005; 124(4): A115-A115.
Damalas, A. Weis, L. Nordgard, S. H. Kristensen, V. N. Gardner, K. Cheng, G. Gelinas, C. Levrero, M. Strano, S. Borresen-Dale, A. L. Rotter, V. Oren, M. Blandino, G.
Mutant p53 exerts its gain of function through activation of the NF-kappa B pathway Breast Cancer Research, 2005; 7: S53-S53.
Jazirehi, AR., Huerta-Yepez, S., Cheng, G. and Bonavida, B Rituximab (chimeric anti-CD20 mAb) inhibits the constitute NIK/IKK/IkB/NF-kB signaling pathway in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) B-cell lines: role in sensitization to chemotherapeutic drug-induced apoptosis, Cancer Research, 2005; 65: 264-276.
Chow, EK., O’Connell, RM, Schilling, S., , Wang, XF., Fu, XY., and Cheng , G.
TLR Agonists Regulate PDGF-B Production and Cell Proliferation through TGF-beta/Type I IFN Crosstalk EMBO J. , 2005; 24: 4071-4081.
Perry, AK., Chen, G., Zheng, DH., Tang, H., Cheng, G.
The host type I interferon response to viral and bacterial infections Cell Res. , 2005; 15: 407-422.
Shen, DX., Ke, B., Zhai, Y., Gao, F., Busuttil, RW., Cheng, G., Kupiec-Weglinski, JW
Toll-Like Receptor and Heme Oxygenase-1 Signaling in Hepatic Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury Am J Transplant, 2005; 5(8): 1793-1800.
Joseph SB, Bradley MN, Castrillo A, Bruhn KW, Mak PA, Pei L, Hogenesch J, O’connell RM, Cheng G, Saez E, Miller JF, Tontonoz P
LXR-dependent gene expression is important for macrophage survival and the innate immune response Cell, 2004; 119(2): 299-309.
O’Connell RM, Saha SK, Vaidya SA, Bruhn KW, Miranda GA, Zarnegar B, Perry AK, Nguyen BO, Lane TF, Taniguchi T, Miller JF, Cheng G
Type I interferon production enhances susceptibility to Listeria monocytogenes infection The Journal of experimental medicine. , 2004; 200(4): 437-45.
Miller, L. S. O’Connell, R. M. Kim, J. Cheng, G. Modlin, R. L. Contrasting roles of TLR2 and MyD88 in an in vivo model of skin infection with Staphylococcus aureus, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2004; 122(3): A120-A120.
Bo, Q. Zhai, Y. Gao, W. Gao, F. Busuttil, R. W. Cheng, G. Kupiec-Weglinski, J. W. Type-1 interferon-dependent hepatocyte production of IP-10, American Journal of Transplantation, 2004; 4: 248-248.
Doyle SE, O’Connell RM, Miranda GA, Vaidya SA, Chow EK, Liu PT, Suzuki S, Suzuki N, Modlin RL, Yeh WC, Lane TF, Cheng G
Toll-like receptors induce a phagocytic gene program through p38 The Journal of experimental medicine. , 2004; 199(1): 81-90.
Chen, MC, Hwang, MJ, Chou, YC, Chen, WH, Cheng, G, Nakano, H, Luh, TY, Mai, SC, Hsieh, SL
The role of ASK1 in Lymphotoxin-beta receptor-mediated cell death J Biol Chem, 2003; 278: 16073-81.
Doyle, S. E. Vaidya, S. A. O’Connell, R. Dadgostar, H. Dempsey, P. W. Wu, T. T. Rao, G. Sun, R. Haberland, M. E. Modlin, R. L. Cheng, G.
IRF3 mediates a TLR3/TLR4-specific antiviral gene program Immunity, 2002; 17(3): 251-263.
Li C, Ni CZ, Havert ML, Cabezas E, He J, Kaiser D, Reed JC, Satterthwait AC, Cheng G, Ely KR
Downstream regulator TANK binds to the CD40 recognition site on TRAF3 Structure (Cambridge, Mass. : 2001) , 2002; 10(3): 403-11.
Wang Y, Kelly CG, Karttunen JT, Whittall T, Lehner PJ, Duncan L, MacAry P, Younson JS, Singh M, Oehlmann W, Cheng G, Bergmeier L, Lehner T
CD40 is a cellular receptor mediating mycobacterial heat shock protein 70 stimulation of CC-chemokines Immunity, 2001; 15(6): 971-83.
Fischbein MP, Ardehali A, Yun J, Schoenberger S, Laks H, Irie Y, Dempsey P, Cheng G, Fishbein MC, Bonavida B
CD40 signaling replaces CD4+ lymphocytes and its blocking prevents chronic rejection of heart transplants Journal of Immunology, 2000; 165(12): 7316-22.