Kristen N. Holbrook
I am interested in the molecular details of how subcellular organization leading to compartmentalized / organelle function is established, and how the environmental and physiological factors modify these processes. My PhD research in the laboratory of Dr. Barry Bruce at the University of Tennessee has provided me with excellent training and experience in several life science disciplines, including biochemistry, structural analysis, molecular biology and microbiology. For my postdoctoral research in Dr. Sabeeha Merchant’s group at UCLA, I am building on my previous training to investigate metal uptake, metabolism and sequestration, which will allow me to address new questions about organelle function and subcellular organization. Together, my sponsor, research project and the IRACDA training plan will build a solid foundation to reach my goals.
My long-term career goal is to develop an independent research program in an academic environment. As an educator I want transfer my enthusiasm, perseverance, and training to help build the next generation of scientists.