Bioscience Postdoctoral Affairs
The Office
The Office of Bioscience Postdoctoral Affairs serves postdoctoral scholars in the David Geffen School of Medicine and biosciences-affiliated disciplines throughout UCLA. We provide resources and training for bioscientists, including professional development, fellowship writing, wellness and resiliency, teaching, and ethics and responsible conduct of research.
Geffen Hall, Suite 300
Phone: 310-825-1391
For an appointment or questions,
The Team
Alex Bui, PhD
Senior Associate Dean for Bioscience Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs in the David Geffen School of Medicine, Associate Dean for Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs in the College Division of Life Sciences, Director of Graduate Programs in Bioscience
Lynn Talton, Ph.D.
Director of Bioscience Postdoc Affairs; Program Coordinator for IRACDA