The IRACDA Program at UCLA
We are part of the NIH IRACDA program. Among all the IRACDA participating institutions, IRACDA@UCLA has its unique strengthS and features.
- IRACDA@UCLA is a research and teaching postdoctoral fellowship program at UCLA funded by NIH with fellowship support up of to three years of postdoctoral salary
- The program combines a traditional bioscience research-focused postdoc training with training in teaching and professional development directed towards a faculty career
- Fellows receive teaching training and experience focused on undergraduates underrepresented in STEM education
- We can help match applicants with UCLA faculty mentors for their research training
- Participation in this program makes fellows more attractive candidates for faculty positions
Why choose IRACDA@UCLA?
- UCLA is top research university with stellar resources and training
- More than half of our former trainees successfully landed tenure-eligible faculty positions; 100% are in rewarding careers in bioscience research or teaching
- Fellows have a built-in community and receive support and mentorship throughout their postdoc and beyond
- Favorably located at beautiful West Los Angeles