Postdoc Community

Postdoctoral Organizations

UCLA Postdoc Slack

Slack is an app that can be used on your computer, mobile device or on a browser that allows you to post messages, replies and files to others

The Postdoctoral Association at UCLA has set up a Slack Workspace for UCLA Postdocs that includes messaging channels for announcements, job postings, child/family care, international, social, outreach, transportation, etc. Join any channels that interest you, or start your own!

Join UCLA Postdoc Slack

Career Groups for Postdocs

Postdocs Networking

Project Synapse Sponsored by the UCLA Brain Research Institute, Project Synapse offers neuroscience postdocs a strong network of colleagues, career development workshops, and opportunities to participate in K-12 outreach and teaching activities.

AWiSE Advancing Women in Science and Engineering addresses the  underrepresentation of women in leadership roles in academia and industry through offering training, education, mentorship, and community service opportunities to support women in STEM.

ADCC Advanced Degree Consulting Club hosts information sessions, consulting career seminars, and case interview practice groups for graduate and professional trainees interested in consulting careers.

Affinity Groups for Postdocs

SACNAS Chapter at UCLA The Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) at UCLA is dedicated to increasing the number of underrepresented students in higher education and in science. Open to all students, postdocs, faculty and staff who share a common concern about equal access to education, interest in outreach, and need for opportunities in academic leadership and participation.

Black Scholars in Bioscience aims to foster community, provide professional development, and outreach opportunities amongst postdoctoral scholars, graduate students, and faculty. 

How to Be an Ally Event

Anti-Racism and Cultural Change at DGSOM

BLM Protest at UCLA

DGSOM Anti-Racism Roadmap The Anti-Racism Roadmap is our collaborative path to ensuring racial justice, equity, diversity and inclusion in the David Geffen School of Medicine. Your input informs the process. As we progress down this path together, we need your voices to both inform the process, but help tweak and course correct it when needed. See our website to follow progress and provide your input.

Cultural North Star The Cultural North Star reflects the guiding principles of our institution. These core principles represent our collective commitment to our mission and each other, serving as a daily guide for the decisions we make, the goals we set and the work we do.


Cultural North Star