Postdoc Administration
At UCLA, postdoctoral appointments are administered by Graduate Division. The Graduate Division Postdoc Website houses general postdoc information, including:
Find a Faculty Mentor

Resources for Research
- UCLA DGSOM Research Seminar Listings
- UCLA Research Core Facilities
- Collaboratory computational and bioinformatics support services
Statistical Consulting Services
Fellowships and Funding
There are many sources for fellowships, including federal agencies, foundations, institutions, and UCLA itself

Reporting, Counseling and Support for Postdocs
For those who are in need of guidance, counseling or resolution services, please visit DGSOM Postdoc Reporting page for a menu of options.
For one-on-one advice on resources available for your situation, you can reach out to the Postdoctoral Case Managers at Graduate Division at or anyone in the Bioscience Postdoc Affairs office.